Partial List of Clients
- Academy Sports + Outdoors, Houston, TX (in association with PVA)
- ACE Cash Express, Dallas, TX (in association with PVA)
- American Horticulture Therapy Association, Denver, CO
- Association of Operating Room Nurses, Denver, CO
- Atlas Minerals, Grand Junction, CO
- Baptist Health Care Group, Nashville, TN
- Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
- Brookfield Residential, Calgary, Canada, Englewood, CO
- Castle Rock Development Company, Denver, CO
- Chevy Chase Savings Bank, Laurel, MD
- City of Boulder, Office of the City Clerk, Boulder, CO
- City of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX
- City of Greeley, Water and Sewer Department, Greeley, CO
- City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, CA
- Cochlear Americas, Centennial, CO
- Colorado Credit Union League, Arvada, CO
- Colorado River Water Conservation District, Glenwood Springs, CO
- Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May (Attorneys at Law), Oakland, CA
- Denver Human Services Department, Human Resources, Denver, CO
- Denver International Airport, City and County of Denver, Denver, CO
- Denver Public Schools, Department of Technology Services, Denver, CO
- Frontier Oil Corporation, Denver, CO, Houston, TX
- Gary-Williams Energy Corporation, Denver, CO
- Greyhound Lines, Inc., Dallas, TX
- High Country Health Care, Frisco, CO
- Homestake Mining Company, Golden, CO, Reno, NV
- Hunt Consolidated, Inc., Dallas, TX
- Kinder Morgan, Inc., Lakewood, CO
- King Ranch, Inc., Kingsville, Houston, TX (in association with PVA)
- KMG Chemicals, Inc., Houston, TX (in association with PVA)
- Mountain Family Health Center, Black Hawk; Nederland, CO
- Moye, Giles, O’Keefe, Vermeire, Gorrell (Attorneys at Law), Denver, CO
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
- PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America), Houston, TX (in association with PVA)
- Freeport-McMoRan, Inc., Phoenix, AZ (in association with PVA)
- Roche Colorado Corporation, Boulder, CO
- Santa Fe Minerals, Dallas, TX
- Sperry and Hutchinson Company, Inc., New York, NY
Town of Basalt, Basalt, CO
- U.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO
- U. S. Zinc, Houston, TX (in association with PVA)
- Vicorp Restaurants, Inc., Denver, CO
- Westmoreland Coal Company, Colorado Springs, CO
Selected Project Descriptions
American Horticultural Therapy Association
The goal of this project was to establish a Records Retention-Disposition Program, complete with policies, procedures, and an accurate, well-documented Retention-Disposition Schedule. GIMA started with an extensive interview with the Administrative Director, followed by a survey of the boxes of records currently held in off-site storage, and then a review of the existing inventory.
Thorough research into Federal and Colorado State retention regulations and into best practices or “common use” resources determined recommended retention periods for all identified record series. A comprehensive Records Retention-Disposition Schedule was developed and approved by the Board of Directors. The approved retention schedule was applied first to the boxes of files in off-site storage, and then became part of the standard procedures for transferring records from active to inactive status.
Castle Rock Development Company, Denver, CO
This was a complete turnkey project. Tasks started with information gathering interviews and inventory, through analysis, active file system design, and secondary records storage, to finish with a records retention program and implementation and conversion direction and guidance.
A functional structure classification system, filing, retrieval and secondary storage procedures, retention-disposition schedules and procedures were designed and developed to provide consistent centralized control of Administration, Commercial Real Estate, Development, Financial, Legal and Marketing records.
City and County of Denver Department of Human Services, Human Resources
Phase I of this project consisted of a comprehensive review of the multi-folder employee personnel files, interviews with the Human Resources staff, and development of recommendations and procedures to improve the efficiency of filing and use of the employee personnel records.
Over 1,200 personnel files were reorganized and physically converted during Phase II Implementation.
City of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX
The City of Fort Worth recognized the need to better manage their existing records, protect their historical records, and control the City’s evolution into the use of electronic records. They commissioned a broad-scope project to develop a comprehensive records management plan. This study was done and the plan developed in association with Richard Wilke, CRM, Cary McGovern, CRM, and Randall Engel, CDRP.
The Master Plan we developed covered all aspects of their records management program including:
- Evaluating how well current and planned processes meet the City of Fort Worth’s information needs.
- Investigating and developing plans to improve document integrity, reusability, shareability and interchange.
- Developing a core list of vital and historical records.
- Evaluating the adequacy of computer system controls, processes, and documentation.
- Evaluating the existing Records Control Schedules and the processes used for their development.
- Developing an enterprise-wide uniform file classification system.
- Providing a comprehensive plan with the necessary steps to meet their goals and a time line to complete their records retention schedules, better manage their existing paper records, protect their vital and historic documents, and begin the process of converting to electronic record keeping wherever appropriate.
City of Greeley, Water & Sewer Department, Greeley, CO
This was a complete turnkey project. Tasks started with information-gathering interviews and inventory, through analysis, active file system design, and secondary records storage, to finish with a records retention program and implementation and conversion direction and guidance.
A master records classification scheme and procedures were designed, developed, and documented for the uniform, central control of all records in the third floor offices of the Water & Sewer Department.
Recommendations were developed that included changes to how file collections were grouped, the equipment used for filing, the organizational structure and staffing levels used to maintain the files, and other physical and technological changes to improve the Water & Sewer Department’s management of its records and information resources.
Retention periods were carefully researched for all Water & Sewer Department record series. Suggested retention periods were provided along with complete government regulation and “common use” documentation.
Ongoing implementation and conversion direction and guidance is being provided. The implementation phase of this project is scheduled to minimize impact on Departmental budget and City resources.
Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May PC, Oakland, CA
This project was a joint effort between FileMan Records Management (formerly File Managers, Inc.), National Imaging Company (NICO) and GIMA. The primary objectives of this project were processing files for either active on-site filing or inactive off-site storage, the complete reorganization of two major file rooms, the development of recommendations and procedures to refine and improve file room operations, and the conduct of an interfiling audit to judge the accuracy of file room staff.
The project team processed into off-site storage approximately 7,200 files out of both file rooms and outlying areas. This represents about 422 boxes and 800 index entries. Processing included:
- Marking and bar-coding each folder for closed matters
- Boxing files / binders / pockets
- Logging matter identification, box, and barcode numbers
- Completing a “Request to Close File” form for each closed matter
- Indexing pertinent identification, location information, and box contents onto the Access database
The project team shifted and reorganized the remaining files, approximately 8,200 files and 217 shelves pockets, binders and boxes of records, into client and matter number order. Expansion room was reserved between major cases.
The interfiling audit consisted of carefully reviewing a significant random sampling of active files. The emphasis for selection was on more current files, in order to evaluate the present file room staff’s work. An interfiling accuracy rate of approximately 83% was determined. This was a respectable showing with some room for improvement. The change to recommended new systems and procedures should stimulate increases in the filing accuracy rate.
Frontier Oil Corporation and Subsidiaries, Denver, CO, Houston, TX
The primary objective of the first phase of this project was to establish a comprehensive Corporate-wide Records Retention Program, including an accurate Retention-Disposition Schedule specific to the requirements of Frontier Oil Corporation and its subsidiaries.
Extensive research was conducted and documented for US Federal retention regulations, the records retention requirements of 20 states where Frontier has business operations, and energy industry records retention best practices.
An accurate Records Retention-Disposition Schedule was developed and approved and is currently being implemented throughout Frontier. Ongoing implementation assistance and guidance are being provided. The implementation phases of this project are scheduled to minimize impact on corporate budgets and resources. Five different locations are implementing the retention program at this time.
Gary-Williams Energy Corporation
This project focused on retention tasks and deliverables, including recommendations concerning:
- Use of imaging to enhance workflow
- Incorporation of electronic records and e-mail into existing retention policies and procedures
- Retention periods for active primary use and inactive secondary storage
- E-mail’s effect on records retention implementation
Phase I identified record series and extended the existing Records Retention Schedule to include the Wynnewood Refinery and Oklahoma City Marketing Office records and adjusted the Records Retention Program manual to incorporate the Wynnewood Refinery and Oklahoma City Marketing Office retention procedures. Phase II updated the existing Records Retention Schedule to accommodate changes in record series for the Denver Corporate Office, including the Piton Foundation. GIMA adjusted existing Records Retention Program manual to reflect changes in record series at the Denver Corporate Office and evaluated electronic retention program compliance.
Greyhound Lines, Inc., Dallas, TX
Graham Information Management Associates, in association with Quality Documents Management, performed a comprehensive records retention compliance assessment. Extensive interviews were conducted with management and staff representatives from fourteen departments. The existing Records Retention-Disposition Schedule was updated through extensive research. The Retention-Disposition Schedule documents Greyhound’s compliance with all Federal, State, and agency-mandated retention requirements.
A Plan of Action to implement recommendations was developed. This complete plan contains both short-term objectives and long-term initiatives and provides guidelines for the timely achievement of objectives and initiatives.
Kinder Morgan, Inc. (formerly K N Energy), Lakewood, CO
The major priority for this project was the establishment of a records retention program, complete with approved documented and accurate retention schedules.
Kinder Morgan personnel reviewed all inactive records against the new Retention Schedule and purged all files with expired retention periods. In one storage location containing older inactive files, the volume of records was reduced approximately 90%; another showed a volume reduction of over 50%.
At the start of this project, an estimated 18,943 linear filing feet of records were filed in secondary (inactive) storage areas. About 13,525 linear filing feet of records were destroyed during the course of this project. This represents over 71% reduction of stored inactive records and substantial savings in storage costs to the Client.
The information provided by interviews and inventory reviews was also used in developing the framework for an enterprise-wide, uniform filing and retrieval system.